3rd Galeb Evolution
Camp 2025
3rd Galeb Evolution
Camp 2025
10.01 - 15.01.2025
Login / RegisteredLogin / Registered3rd Galeb Evolution Camp 2025
Dear friends,
This year will be held 3rd EVOLUTION GALEB CAMP for cadets, juniors and seniors from 10.01 - 15.01.2025.
The camp is intended for preparing athletes for the start of the season and going to the first competitions in February. It is necessary that you come to the camp already in physical condition so that you can follow the training without any problems.
The camp is for competitive level, not for beginners. You need to have competitive experience.
Trainings are separate for all age groups. It is also necessary to bring clean sneakers for fitness training. Down below you will find all the information regarding the camp, as well as the link for registration, but don't hesitate to ask us whatever you need!
There is a possibility of lunch in the Comtrade complex, with good prices (€12-15) that you can pay directly in the restaurant.
Training location
You provide and book accommodation yourself. You can choose hotel accommodation or in private apartments, whichever suits you.
If you want an agency through which you can book a hotel, we recommend
the BTA agency (office@bta.co.rs).
Transportation is in your organization. You can come by taxi or rent a car for that period.
Event Coaches
Dragan Jović
Stevan Rašić
Uroš Todorović
Nebojša Šakić
Do you have any question?
For more information (to send you Invitation letter with all the details and prices) write to us at galeb.camp.info@galebsummercamp.com